"Coexistence of Conventional, Organic and GE Crops: What is the problem and when did it start?"
Peggy G. Lemaux, ANR Pest Management Coordinating Conference, Sacramento, CA.
November 7, 2006 Powerpoint (15.2mb) | PDF (18.1mb)
"Can GE, Conventional and Organic Co-Exist?"
Peggy G. Lemaux, PMB170 class, UC Berkeley.
April 26, 2006 Powerpoint (3.2mb) | PDF (10.5mb)
"Science Behind Biotech in Agriculture: Resources for Teaching Ag Biotech"
Peggy G. Lemaux, California Agriculture Teachers Central Region Road Show, CSU Stanislaus, Turlock, CA (hosted by the California Department of Education and the Central Region California Agriculture Teachers Association) November 13, 2009 Powerpoint (38.3mb) | PDF (6.3mb)
"Food Fights in California: Educational Challenges of the GMO Debate"
Peggy G. Lemaux, 2008 Joint Annual Meeting, ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Houston, TX.
October 8, 2008 Powerpoint (24.5mb) | PDF (3.3mb)
FEATURED PRESENTATION: "How Much Did You Pay for Your Lunch Today?"
Peggy G. Lemaux, Public Health 116 class
UC Berkeley, CA
April 22, 2013 Powerpoint (31.2mb) | PDF (8.7mb)
"Feast, Famine and the Future of Food"
Peggy G. Lemaux, Outreach in Biotechnology - Food for Thought Lecture Series
Oregon State University
January 25, 2012 Powerpoint (49.2mb) | PDF (10.4mb) VIDEO:Bottom line interview (3:07 min) | Lecture (59:34 min) | Q&A session (24:54 min)
"Genetically Engineered Crops: Can India Benefit?"
Peggy G. Lemaux, Rural India Sustainable Health Initiative (RISHI), UC Berkeley
March 29, 2011 Powerpoint (17mb) | PDF (11.1mb)
"Genetically Engineered Crops: Can Africa Really Benefit?"
Peggy G. Lemaux, Journalism, J234: Africa, Women, and Agriculture: The Global Food Crisis, UC Berkeley, CA
September 23, 2010 Powerpoint (18.6mb) | PDF (20.9mb)
"Food Safety and Nutrition of Genetically Engineered Foods"
Peggy G. Lemaux, Diablo Valley Dietetic Association, Walnut Creek, CA
March 17, 2010 Powerpoint (37mb) | PDF (20.3mb)
FEATURED PRESENTATION: "Genetically Engineered Foods: What Do I Need to Know?"
Peggy G. Lemaux, California Dietetic Association Annual Meeting, Santa Clara, CA
April 12, 2013 Powerpoint (45.5mb) | PDF (19.4mb)
"To Label or Not To Label?"
Peggy G. Lemaux, Agricultural Outlook Forum, Washington, DC
February 22, 2013 Powerpoint (36.7mb) | PDF (31.1mb)
"The Science of GMOs and Related Issues"
Peggy G. Lemaux, Marin Master Gardeners Meeting, Ross, CA
March 13, 2013 Powerpoint (65.8mb) | PDF (17.4mb)
"DNA in Your Garden: How Genetics Affects What Plants We Grow and How We Grow Them"
Peggy G. Lemaux, Monterey Bay Master Gardeners Quarterly Meeting, Watsonville, CA
August 18, 2012 Powerpoint (54.3mb) | PDF (22.6mb)
"DNA for Dinner: Fun and Games with Foods and Genetics"
Peggy G. Lemaux, California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom Annual Conference, Rohnert Park, CA
October 23, 2009 Powerpoint (17.9mb) | PDF (2.2mb) | Teaching Aids | Displays | Contact for display reservations
"Shakespeare Speaks on Biotechnology", Michael Goodin, University of California, Berkeley, 2001.
FEATURED PRESENTATION: "Crops, Foods, Biotechnology and Labeling"
Peggy G. Lemaux, AgKnowledge class (organized by Monterey County Agricultural Commissioner's Office), Castroville, CA
August 23, 2013 Powerpoint (31.4mb) | PDF (34.5mb)
"Food Fights: Labeling and Other Issues with Engineered Foods in the Marketplace"
Peggy G. Lemaux, USDA Economists Presentation, Washington, DC
June 17, 2013 Powerpoint (62.6mb) | PDF (15.8mb)
"Can Biotechnology Help Solve 'Omnivore’s Dilemma?'"
Peggy G. Lemaux, Berkeley Emeriti Association, UC Berkeley, CA
March 20, 2010 Powerpoint (54.9mb) | PDF (43.7mb)
"GMOs and International Regulation'"
Peggy G. Lemaux, California Air Resources Board, Sacramento, CA
January 20, 2012 Powerpoint (24.2mb) | PDF (35.2mb)
"What's Slowing Commercialization of GE Crops? Regulatory, Economic, Intellectual Property and Consumer Acceptance Issues"
Peggy G. Lemaux, 2010 Australian Summer Grains Conference, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia
June 23, 2010 Powerpoint (25.2mb) | PDF (39.3mb)