GMO labeling - USA

Click on states below to check on their individual status.
For more information regarding the food labeling debate, please visit our Labeling page.
Link to bill
Status: HJR 5, labeling salmon as GM. Introduced, passed House.

California | Link to proposition (PDF)
Status: Proposition 37 failed in November, 2012 election.

Link to bill
Status: HB 13-1192, introduced (news article dated 1/8/13).

Connecticut | Link to HB 5177 | Link to SB 802 | Link to HB 6527
Status: HB 5117 no longer containing provisions to label food products containing GMOs.
SB 802 passed on May 21, 2013. HB6527 passed on June 1, 2013.

Link to bill H 1233 (PDF) and S 1728
Status: H 1233 and S 1728, introduced.

Link to bill (PDF)
Status: HB 174, introduced and passed House.

GMO Free Illinois | Link to bill
Status: HB 3085, introduced.

Link to bill
Status: HF 375, introduced but ended in 2011.

Link to bill (PDF)
Status: HB 1466, introduced, ended.

Link to bill
Status: H 3276, introduced.

Status: Proposed Bill SF 2563. No longer on Legislature page for Minnesota

Link to bill
Status: HB 245, introduced and withdrawn.

New Hampshire
Link to bill
Status: HB 660, introduced.

New Jersey
Link to bill
Status: A 3192, introduced.

New Mexico
Link to bill (PDF)
Status: Bill SB18 pre-filed with New Mexico Senate by Senator Peter Wirth (news article dated 1/9/13); bill turned down (news article dated 2/1/13).

New York
Link to bill
Status: S3835, introduced; voted down 6/3/13.

Oregon | Link to initiative (PDF) | Link to bills HB 3292, HB 3290, HB 2715 and HB 2532
Status: Signatures collected for initiative for 2013 election (news article dated 1/10/13).
HB 3292, HB 3290, HB 2715 and HB 2532, introduced.

Rhode Island
Link to bill (PDF)
Status: HB 5278, introduced.

Link to bill HB 1168 (PDF) and SB 894
Status: HB 1168 and SB 894 introduced.

Vermont | Link to bill H 722, H 112 (PDF) and S 89 (PDF)
H112 and S89, introduced.

H.722 passed April 2012 with the condition that it will be effective 365 days after California and two of the following other states have enacted substantially comparable requirements for the labeling of food produced from genetic engineering: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, or Rhode Island (link to news article).

Link to bill
Status: SB 606, introduced.

Washington | Link to bill 522 | Link to bill status
Status: Signatures collected for Initiative I-522 for 2013 election (news article dated 1/4/13). Washington State Legislature adjourned on 4/28/13 without modifying the petition submitted the legislature. Will appear on the November ballot (news article dated 4/29/13)

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