Each week, news articles are selected that pertain to the ongoing food labeling issue.
For more information regarding the food labeling debate, please visit our Labeling page.

MAY 24, 2013 - Conn. legislature passes separate food label bills - San Francisco Chronicle
Connecticut lawmakers are considering dueling bills that mandate special labels on food that contains genetically modified ingredients. READ MORE

MAY 21, 2013 - Senate Approves Bill Requiring GMO Labeling 35-1 - CT News Junkie
Their calls were answered Tuesday night when the state Senate took up abipartisan compromise that will require all genetically engineered foods to be labeled as such by July 1, 2016, or by July 1, 2015, if three more states pass similar legislation. The states that would trigger the provision include Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, or New Jersey. READ MORE

FEB 1, 2013 - GMO food-labeling bill voted down - Alburqueque Business First - Albuquerque Business First
A New Mexico Senate bill that would have changed food-labeling practices has died on the senate floor. READ MORE

NOV 7, 2012 - Prop. 37: Genetic food labels defeated - San Francisco Chronicle
A measure that would have required most foods made with genetically engineered ingredients to be labeled in California lost early Wednesday. READ MORE

NOV 1, 2012 - Food labeling proposition language raises legal issues - UC Davis
Californiaís ballot initiative that proposes to require labeling of genetically engineered foods raises important legal and policy issues that could take years to resolve through the courts and other means, University of California, Davis, School of Law researchers caution. READ MORE

SEP 8, 2012 - To Label or Not to Label: California Prepares to Vote on Genetically Engineered Foods - Environmental Health Perspectives
In the United States, consumer concern about GE foods has been slower to surface. But that’s changing—and a ballot question this fall in California has the potential to radically alter the GE landscape throughout the rest of the United States. On 6 November 2012 California voters will decide whether foods containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) must be labeled. READ MORE

SEP 7, 2012 - The food industry's big problem with genetically engineered food - Los Angeles Times
The No on Proposition 37 campaign emailed Thursday to tout a new study by UC Davis professors. It concludes that the proposition on the November ballot to require the labeling of genetically engineered foods would cost the food industry more than a billion dollars and lead to higher food costs from consumers. READ MORE

AUG 21, 2012 - Prop. 37: genetically altered food fight - San Francisco Chronicle
With big money pouring in to defeat a November state measure requiring food companies to label genetically modified foods, both sides are gearing up for an airwaves war that is expected to pit farmer against farmer to win votes. READ MORE

AUG 15, 2012 - California’s Proposition 37: Effects of Mandatory Labeling of GM Food - Ag Issues Center
Californians will soon vote on Proposition 37, mandating that genetically modified (GM) food is labeled. Supporters argue that mandatory labeling responds to consumers’ rights, offers greater choice, and provides more information on food content. But the specifics of Prop 37 will result in a much different outcome. Food category choice will decrease and the added labeling information will be imprecise. Prop 37 will introduce a double standard for accidental GM purity in organic versus non-organic foods, favoring organic. READ MORE (PDF)

JUNE 22, 2012 - Proposition unneeded, expensive, unworkable - Capital Press
California voters this fall will decide the fate of an eight-page ballot initiative that would require labels on some food made with genetically modified ingredients. READ MORE

JUNE 18, 2012 - The GMO labeling debate continued: It’s about the ‘benchmark’ - The Berkeley Blog
I was amazed by the response to my previous post – and I will try address some of the main points. I found three main themes repeating through the comments. First, it is clear that there are many people who are concerned about the side effects of GMOs and don’t trust biotech companies that produce them and the governments that regulate them. These people should vote for the proposition to label GMOs. This is a democracy, after all. I suspect that there are others that may be slightly concerned about GMOs or are indifferent, but they are not aware of the environmental and socio-economic benefits of GMOs and the likely negative implication of the labeling requirement. This is the group that I hope to convince. MORE

JUNE 16, 2012 - GMO showdown - Press Democrat
A measure that has qualified for the November ballot will ask California voters to decide whether foods produced through genetic engineering must have disclosure labels. READ MORE

JUNE 13, 2012 - How California's GM food referendum may change what America eats - Guardian (UK)
Last month, nearly 1m signatures were delivered to county registrars throughout California calling for a referendum on the labeling of genetically engineered foods. If the measure, "The Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act", which will be on the ballot in November, passes, California will become the first state in the nation to require that GM foods be labeled as such on the package. MORE

JUNE 6, 2012 - GMO Labeling: What You Need To Know - Best Food Facts.org
Food made from genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) is a top-of-mind issue for some consumers, and the subject has been the focus of television programs like The Doctors, which recently featured a segment on GMOs and GMO labeling. We asked Dr. Patrick Byrne, professor of plant breeding and genetics at Colorado State University, to provide his opinion on the subject of labeling genetically modified foods. MORE

MAY 24, 2012 - Battle Brewing Over Labeling of Genetically Modified Food - New York Times
On a recent sunny morning at the Big Y grocery here, Cynthia LaPier parked her cart in the cereal aisle. With a glance over her shoulder and a quick check of the ingredients, she plastered several boxes with hand-designed stickers from a roll in her purse. “Warning,” they read. “May Contain GMO’s (Genetically Modified Organisms).” MORE

MAY 14, 2012 - California's Genetically Engineered Food Label May Confuse More Than Inform - NPR
When Californians go to the polls in November, they will very likely have the chance to make California the first state in the nation to require labeling of genetically engineered food. That's according to California Right to Know, which filed a petition to force a statewide vote. MORE

APR 1, 2012 - FDA should ‘Just Label’ genetically modified products to increase consumer awareness - Daily Illinois
Champaign-Urbana is famous for its abundance of corn and soybeans, two of the most common ingredients in our food products today. They’re also two of the most popular genetically modified (GM) foods on the market, which is why when it comes to the Genetically Modified Organism argument, the debate over their use in our food products hits close to home. MORE

MAR 16, 2012 - Federal Lawmakers Urge FDA to Require GMO Labeling - Salem News (OR)
A bipartisan group of 55 members of Congress this week urged the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to require the labeling of genetically engineered (GE) foods. MORE

MAR 12, 2012 - Californian campaign pushes for labelling of GM food - The Guardian (UK)
In a column last month, New York Times food writer Mark Bittman wondered, "Why Aren't GMO Foods Labeled?" After laying out some of the basic arguments in favor of labeling — most obviously, the contradiction between the USDA finding that genetically modified foods aren't "materially different" from non-modified foods and yet its prohibition of including GMOs within the legal definition of organic — Bittman concluded that major food companies' unwillingness to label foods containing genetically modified organisms is "demeaning and undemocratic." An overwhelming majority of Americans say they want to know if the food they're buying contains GMOs. The food processors' resistance to providing that information, Bittman argued, violates the ideals of transparency that the free market is supposed to rest on. MORE

MAR 5, 2012 - Push to label genetically modified food gains traction - Joplin Globe (MO)
Thousands of products in the typical American grocery store, from cereals to corn chips, contain genetically modified ingredients. But the average shopper wouldn’t know it from their labels. MORE

MAR 4, 2012 - Genetically modified labeling is topic of petition - San Francisco Chronicle
Nutrition and public policy expert Marion Nestle answers readers' questions. MORE

FEB 2, 2012 - 5 misleading food labels - CBS News
Do those "all natural" peanut-butter fudge cookies really "lower your cholesterol?". Separating fact from fiction in the grocery aisles is no easy feat. In a recent survey by Nielsen, more than two-thirds of consumers around the world thought nutritional claims were either never or only sometimes trustworthy. Close to 60 percent admitted to having a tough time deciphering labels altogether. MORE

JAN 30, 2012 - Support on rise to label GM food - Journal Gazette (Fort Wayne, IN)
Some Washington state wheat farmers have thrown their support behind legislation requiring labeling of genetically modified foods, giving food safety advocates fresh hope that lawmakers also will get behind the bill. MORE

News articles that cover agriculture, food, biotechnology and other related issues,