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Activity 2.3: Soduku Codes


Leader asks participants to divide into groups and instructs participants that the Sudoku puzzle has a unique solution.

  • Ask each group to read the directions on the handout.
  • Explain that numbers from 1 to 9 are entered into each of the 3 X 3 squares.
  • Point out to participants that each 9-box row and each 9-box column contains only one of each number. Suggest that they look at the example on the handout.
  • Once the puzzle is solved, participants should use the code at the right of the puzzle to covert the numbers to letters and decode the message contained in the top line of the puzzle.

Challenge participants with the following:

  • Explain what you would think might happen if a mistake was made in the message while solving the puzzle?
  • Describe what you think would happen if you did not have the code or had only part of it.
  • Explain what you think might be the advantages of solving the Sudoku puzzle versus having the code to decode the message.

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