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Activity 1.2: What Am I?


Leader divides participants into two groups. Before the activity begins, leader places single piece of fruit or vegetable in a brown paper bag without others seeing what it is. Leader gives each participant a bag and asks them to make a written list of the fruit's or vegetable's characteristics based on what was learned in Activity 1.1 (or they can use the list that they wrote down in Activity 1.1). Remind participants that the different characteristics are specified by its genes. Characteristics that can be included are color, size, shape, taste (sweet or sour), skin thickness and texture, and noticeable markings or sections. Does the fruit or vegetable grow above or below the ground? Does it grow on a tree or a vine? Offer as much information as possible to help others guess what it is.

One person from each group describes a single characteristic of the food item. The second group works together to guess what the item is and names it. If the guess is incorrect, another member of the first group offers another clue to the food's identity and the second group guesses again. The clues continue until the identity of the fruit or vegetable is correct. Then a member of the second group describes a characteristic of an item in their bag and the first group works together to decide what the item is and names it. If the guess is incorrect, a second member of the group offers a clue; this continues until the identify of the fruit or vegetable is correct.

Next: Activity 1.3: Fruit and Vegi Hunt

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